08.04.2024 | Latest

Podcast Arve Henriksen & Harmen Fraanje

In the 33rd episode of the ECM podcast we’re joined by Arve Henriksen and Harmen Fraanje, whose duo debut Touch of Time presents the musicians in both freely improvised forms and carefully wrought themes, picking up and finishing each other’s phrases.

They talk about their approach to improvising, how Touch of Time presents exactly where they meet in music and about how various literature informed the titles on this album.

Listen to the full episode

The album is available on CD and LP here

Current Concerts
& Events

Dominic Miller is playing almost 50 concerts across the globe in the cominig months

John Scofield and his trio are performing in the US and Asia in April and June. Throughout the year, more solo and quartet concerts are scheduled.

Fred Hersch is touring in support of his piano solo album 'Silent, Listening'