A Suite Of Poems

Ketil Bjørnstad, Anneli Drecker

Norwegian-Danish author Lars Saabye Christensen is one of Scandinavia most widely-praised and prolific contemporary writers.  For many years now, in the course of his travels around the globe, he has been sending “hotel poems” to his friend Ketil Bjørnstad, inviting him to make music out of them.  These literary postcards explore a range of moods.  Bjørnstad says: “I feel very connected to the lonely, existential perspective of these poems, made in different hotel rooms.” For this recording, Ketil worked closely with singer and actress Anneli Drecker, former lead vocalist of pop group Bel Canto. Settings of poetry and other literary texts form a special category in Norwegian pianist-composer Bjørnstad’s discography and A Suite of Poems is a song cycle to put alongside such projects as A Passion for John Donne, Sunrise, and The Light.
Der norwegisch-dänische Autor Lars Saabye Christensen ist einer der angesehensten und produktivsten zeitgenössischen Schriftsteller Skandinaviens. Von seinen Reisen rund um den Globus schickt er seit Jahren "Hotelgedichte" an seinen Freund Ketil Bjørnstad und lädt ihn ein, aus ihnen Musik zu machen. Diese literarischen Postkarten loten eine Reihe von Stimmungen aus. Bjørnstad sagt: "Ich fühle mich sehr verbunden mit der einsamen, existentiellen Perspektive dieser Gedichte, die in verschiedenen Hotelzimmern entstanden sind."
Für diese Aufnahme arbeitete Ketil Bjørnstad eng mit der Sängerin und Schauspielerin Anneli Drecker zusammen, der ehemaligen Leadsängerin der Popgruppe Bel Canto. Vertonungen von Gedichten und anderen literarischen Texten bilden eine besondere Kategorie in der Diskographie des norwegischen Pianisten und Komponisten Bjørnstad. A Suite of Poems ist ein Liederzyklus, der sich neben Projekte wie  A Passion for John Donne, Sunrise und The Light einreiht.
Featured Artists Recorded

June 2016, Rainbow Studio, Oslo

Original Release Date


  • 1Mayflower, New York
    (Ketil Bjørnstad, Lars Saabye Christensen)
  • 2Duxton, Melbourne
    (Ketil Bjørnstad, Lars Saabye Christensen)
  • 3Kempinski, Berlin
    (Ketil Bjørnstad, Lars Saabye Christensen)
  • 4L'Hotel, Paris
    (Ketil Bjørnstad, Lars Saabye Christensen)
  • 5Palace, Copenhagen
    (Ketil Bjørnstad, Lars Saabye Christensen)
  • 6Astor Crowne, New Orleans
    (Ketil Bjørnstad, Lars Saabye Christensen)
  • 7The Grand, Krakow
    (Ketil Bjørnstad, Lars Saabye Christensen)
  • 8Palazzo Londra, Venice
    (Ketil Bjørnstad, Lars Saabye Christensen)
  • 9Vier Jahreszeiten, Hamburg
    (Ketil Bjørnstad, Lars Saabye Christensen)
  • 10Savoy, Lisbon
    (Ketil Bjørnstad, Lars Saabye Christensen)
  • 11Mayday Inn, Hong Kong
    (Ketil Bjørnstad, Lars Saabye Christensen)
  • 12Lutetia, Paris
    (Ketil Bjørnstad, Lars Saabye Christensen)
  • 13Schloss Elmau
    (Ketil Bjørnstad, Lars Saabye Christensen)
13 internationale Destinationen hat sich Ketil Bjørnstad ausgesucht und zu Saabye Christensens ausdrucksstarken Textvorlagen kongeniale Klangbilder gefunden: oft in getragenem Tempo, etwas nachdenklich, manchmal lyrisch-schwelgerisch, stets mit einem sicheren Gespür für Spannungsbögen und nie aufgesetzt wirkende dramatische Effekte. Dies perfekt umzusetzen, gelingt der Sängerin und Schauspielerin Anneli Drecker – manchen vielleicht von der norwegischen Band Bel Canto oder von ihrer Zusammenarbeit mit A-ha und Röyskopp her bekannt – mit ihrer angenehmen, auf dezente Art eine Vielzahl von Emotionen evozierenden Stimme.
Peter Füßl, Kultur
‘A Suite of Poems’ is an album that goes in and out of hotel rooms around the world. Norwegian-Danish writer Lars Saabye Christensen had been sending couplets to his friend Bjørnstad for several years, capturing the nature of travel and occasional solitude. Bjørnstad decided to start setting them to music about 20 years ago. Vocalist Anneli Drecker had a similar habit of sending some verse from the road to Bjørnstad, making her a logical choice to sing Christensen's poems. That's all ‘A Suite of Poems’ is -- Christensen's poetry set to music by Bjørnstad, who plays the piano while Drecker sings. […] The melodies Bjørnstad writes for Drecker are superb. Rather than working to cram the words into some pre-existing music, it sounds like Bjørnstad is writing in service to the poetry. Even when there is a slight shift in the music, as on the slow shuffle of ‘Astor Crowne, New Orleans’, Drecker's singing runs the show […]. The vocal passages are delicate, memorable, just about perfect in their range and fluidity.
John Garratt, Pop Matters
Oden an die Flüchtigkeit sind diese Miniaturen für Gesang und Piano, traumnah bis klar. Es kann einem schwindelig werden von Dreckers stimmlichen Höhenflügen – während Bjørnstad als ruhiger Begleiter durch dunkle Kammern führt. Beim Jazz-Label ECM sind diese Klangreisenden gut untergebracht.
Christian Mückl, Nürnberger Zeitung
Bei diesem Album lohnt es sich, neben dem Hören die Lyrics mitzulesen, um besser in die eigenständige Klangwelt zwischen Schönheit, Wärme und Melancholie einzutauchen, die zweifelsohne von der Lyrik der Gedichte maßgeblich vorgegeben wird. Jedes Stück für sich klingt rund und in sich geschlossen, und Anneli Dreckers fragiler Gesang schafft zusammen mit Bjørnstads klanglicher Ausleuchtung der Gedichte auf dem Klavier eine sehr intime Stimmung.
Thomas Bugert, Jazzthetik
Als Grundlage für die dreizehn Kompositionen dienten ihm kleine Gedichte, die ihm sein schon seit Jugendjahren vertrauter Freund und Schriftsteller Lars Saabye Christensen schrieb. […] Die knappen Songs klingen wie eine Schatzkiste, gefüllt mit Perlen aus Pop, Jazz, Klassik, Folklore und dank dem Astor Crowne in New Orleans auch mit ein wenig Blues. Annelie Drecker, einst Sängerin des Trios Bel Canto, besticht durch ihre unprätentiöse, natürliche Stimme. Keine virtuosen Hundertmeterläufe, keine vokale Koketterie, kein Scat. Unschuldig, staunend, neugierig singt sie die Songs, manchmal mit einem Schuss Glückseligkeit angereichert, manchmal von einem Hauch Melancholie durchweht.
Jörg Konrad, Kultkomplott
Intimate and unostentatious in delivery, it makes a rather charming companion, full of delightful poetic aperçus.
Robert Shore, Jazzwise
The sky rolls in from the sea
Like blue timber
I am almost awake, lost
Between dreams and departures
Time is not on my side
    • Lars Saabye Christensen
Settings of poetry and other literary texts form a special category in the discography of Norwegian pianist-composer Ketil Bjørnstad and A Suite of Poems, recorded at Oslo’s Rainbow Studio in June 2016, is a song cycle to put alongside such projects as A Passion for John Donne, Sunrise, and The Light.
Norwegian-Danish author Lars Saabye Christensen is one of Scandinavia’s most widely-praised contemporary writers. A prolific author, he published his first book, the poetry collection Historien om Gly in 1976, and won Norway’s Tarjei Vesaas' debutantpris for best newcomer, to be followed in due course by many more literary awards. He has since written more than 40 books, novels and poetry primarily, as well as film scripts.
Lars Saabye Christensen and Ketil Bjørnstad – both born in Oslo (Christensen in 1953, Bjørnstad a year earlier) have known each other since they were teenagers. For many years now, in the course of his travels around the globe, Christensen has been sending “hotel poems” to his friend Ketil Bjørnstad, inviting him to make music out of them. “I started writing music to his poems more than 20 years ago,” writes Ketil in his liner note for A Suite of Poems. “His ability to expose the inner conflicts we all bring with us in our suitcases is striking.”
Christensen’s literary postcards explore a range of moods. Bjørnstad: “I feel very connected to the lonely, existential perspective of these poems, made in different hotel rooms.” For this recording, Ketil worked closely with singer and actress Anneli Drecker, vocalist of pop group Bel Canto. Ketil and Anneli are also friends of long-standing. Drecker had sung on Bjørnstad’s Grace album, with settings of John Donne, back in 2000, and toured with him. She too had taken to sending Ketil “poetic, sad, or funny” messages from far flung hotels when she was out touring the world with A-ha or Royskopp.
“So what is the hidden secret of travelling, and living such a big part of our lives in hotel rooms?”, asks Ketil Bjørnstad. “In a certain sense, we are three of a kind, making this album together.”
Ketil Bjørnstad, described by The Guardian as “a cultural prodigy”, trained initially as a classical pianist, transferring his allegiances to jazz after hearing Miles Davis and Terje Rypdal. Bjørnstad made his first recording, with a quartet that included Jon Christensen and Arild Andersen, in 1973. Another 20 years would pass before he came to ECM, with Water Stories, a collaboration with Rypdal and Christensen. Bjørnstad is also a bestselling and widely translated novelist, and although the composer long kept his two creative currents apart, in recent years there has been much more overt cross-fertilisation. A Passion for John Donne, released in 2014, is inspired by the great English Metaphysical poet who has fascinated the composer for decades. A previous song cycle of Donne settings featured on the album, The Light. The double CD Vinding’s Music takes the listener into the heart of Bjørnstad’s literary world, and is a sort of “literary soundtrack” to his trilogy of novels about a young Norwegian pianist, Aksel Vinding.
Anneli Drecker, born in 1969 in Tromsø first came to international attention in the 1980s as vocalist with Bel Canto, whose synthesizer driven pop music and ‘Arctic electronica’ dreamscapes proved highly influential in the period, and led to collaborations with musicians including Jah Wobble and Can drummer Jaki Liebezeit, as well as many experimentally-inclined Norwegian players. In parallel, Drecker has had a successful career as an actor in Norway, appearing in numerous theatre productions, as well as films and TV, and also made several solo albums. Anneli Drecker has also set poetry to music, including verse of Arvid Handsen.
2025 May 16 Schloss Engers Neuwied, Germany