
Wolfert Brederode Quartet

The gentle pulsations of the piano of Wolfert Brederode (born 1974) have played a supportive role on the ECM recordings of Susanne Abbuehl. Now the Dutch keyboardist leads a pan-European group of similar gifted young players, who commit their improvisational energies to the lyric flow of his music. Mats Eilertsen, leading Norwegian bassist already heard on ECM discs with the Source, Parish and Jacob Young, has a pivotal role to play, mediating between percussionist Samuel Rohrer (also from Abbuehl’s band) and clarinettist Claudio Puntin, whose resumé has included work with artists from the Ensemble Modern to Fred Frith, and whose first ECM leader disc, “Ylir”, was issued in 2000.

Featured Artists Recorded

June 2006, Rainbow Studio, Oslo

Original Release Date


  • 1Common Fields
    (Wolfert Brederode)
  • 2Empty Room
    (Wolfert Brederode)
  • 3As You July Me
    (Susanne Abbuehl, Wolfert Brederode)
  • 4High & Low
    (Wolfert Brederode)
  • 5With Them
    (Wolfert Brederode)
  • 6Frost Flower
    (Wolfert Brederode)
  • 7Scarabee
    (Wolfert Brederode)
  • 8Desiderata
    (Wolfert Brederode)
  • 9Soil
    (Wolfert Brederode)
  • 10Ebb
    (Wolfert Brederode)
  • 11Barcelona
    (Wolfert Brederode)
Stereoplay, Jazz-CD des Monats
Hiermit stellt der holländische Pianist Wolfert Brederode, der schon bei der Sängerin Susanne Abbuehl durch sein einfühlsames Spiel bestach, sich als Leader eines lyrisch-kammermusikalisches Quartetts vor. Über Brederodes Minimal-Patterns, luftigen Linien, sparsamen Akkorden schweben Claudio Puntins Klarinetten, dessen Spielerfahrung in improvisierter wie auch Neuer Musik den klassisch gefärbten Ansatz des Pianisten aufs Schönste abrundet. Das ist durch und durch poetische Musik.
Berthold Klostermann, Fono Forum
C’est à travers les disques de la chanteuse Susanne Abbuehl que nous avons découvert le toucher délicat et le jeu économe du pianiste hollandais Wolfert Brederode. À 34 ans, il compose et publie Currents chez ECM avec un passionant quartette comprenant le subtil clrainettiste Claudio Puntin. Il s’agit d’un jazz „atmosphérique“, une musique de chambre à l’ambiance poétique et mélancholique, sans swing ni virtuosité, mais avec le désir d’éveiller notre imagination et d’effleurer notre sensibilité. Le souci formel est de rigeur dans ce quartette où toutes les combinaisons sont possilbles.
Lionel Eskenazi, Jazzman
Diese Klangfülle von Claudio Puntins Klarinettentönen ! Die schweben im weiten Raum der Poesie, durch den der holländische Pianist sich mit stiller Leidenschaft tastet. Diskret geleitet von Eilertsens Basslines und Rohrers frei fließenden Beats. Verträumt, doch unsentimental, Hochspannung in bester ECM-Tradition.
Sven Thielmann, Stereoplay
Die gängigen Jazzphrasen meiden sie – Pianist Wolfert Brederode ebenso wie Mats Eilertsen, Samuel Rohrer und Claudio Puntin. Die vier bevorzugen ausgeglichene, melodiöse Kompositionen, die ihnen Raum für sorgfältig abgestimmte Improvisationen lassen. In sanften Wellenbewegungen fließt die Musik. Der unglaublich dezente, präsente Klang dieses kontinuierlichen Stroms entspricht der unaufgeregten Grundstimmung.
Werner Stiefele, Audio
The gentle pulsations of the piano of Wolfert Brederode have played a significant role on “April” and “Compass”, ECM recordings of singer Susanne Abbuehl. Now the Dutch pianist (born 1974, in Wassenaar near Den Haag) steps forward to lead a group of gifted players – clarinettist Claudio Puntin and drummer Samuel Rohrer from Switzerland, and Norwegian bassist Mats Eilertsen – all of whom commit their improvisational energies to the lyric flow of his music, its chamber music sensibility, and the slow-drifting currents of its river of sound. “Currents”, recorded at Oslo’s Rainbow Studio, is Brederode’s ECM leader debut.

Distinctive in its own right, Brederode’s music can also be viewed in the wider context of the developing ‘traditions’ of chamber jazz. The quartet’s contrapuntal improvising and its melodies, shared between clarinet and piano, may bring to mind vintage Jimmy Giuffre and Paul Bley collaborations, important influences on music at ECM: the harmonic palette of the Giuffre 3, of course, drew influence from 20th century composition, as do these players. Wolfert Brederode studied classical and jazz piano at the Royal Conservatory of The Hague, and clarinettist Claudio Puntin is active in both jazz and contemporary music - he has worked with, for example, the Ensemble Modern.

Brederode’s touch as a player is a poetic one, aptly so given the ongoing collaboration with singer Susanne Abbuehl. Susanne is co-composer of one piece here, the E.E. Cummings-inspired “As You July Me”, a piece from the Abbuehl band repertoire. Everything else here on “Currents” is from the leader’s pen.

In Holland the patient and reflective character of Brederode’s own music has drawn the attention of theatre directors and choreographers. As a sideman capable of exploring many aspects of jazz, he has collaborated with international musicians including Dave Liebman, Jeanne Lee, Arve Henriksen, Trygve Seim, Wolfgang Puschnig, Cristina Branco and many others.

The cast he has assembled on “Currents” has honed his music in concerts, and plays it with sensitivity. Clarinettist Claudio Puntin (Swiss-born and of Italian descent) will be known to ECM aficionados. His debut for the label, “Ylir”, with Icelandic singer/violinist Gerdur Gunnarsdottir, recorded 1997 and 1999 was widely praised. In addition to the Ensemble Modern, mentioned above, Puntin has worked with a wide range of artists including Fred Frith, Hermeto Pascoal, Jim Black, Dave Douglas, Nils Wogram, Jay Anderson and Anders Jormin.

Bassist Mats Eilertsen, one of Norway’s most resourceful young musicians appears also on guitarist Jacob Young’s new recording “Sideways” – released simultaneously with “Currents”. In addition to his ECM recordings with Young, Trygve Seim and The Source, and Parish with Bobo Stenson, Mats Eilertsen has played live with Kenny Wheeler, Pat Metheny, Nils Petter Molvær, John Taylor, Christian Wallumrød and many others.

Samuel Rohrer studied in Bern and at Boston’s Berklee College. He has worked across most expressions of contemporary improvising with players including Charles Gayle, Harald Haerter, Sirone, Michel Portal, Ferenc Snetberger, Joao Paulo, Markus Stockhausen, Arild Andersen, Wolfgang Muthspiel and many others. He also leads his own band, Tree.

Wolfert Brederode is on the road with Susanne Abbuehl in early November with dates including the Jazznojazz Festival in Zürich. On November 25, together with Puntin, Eilertsen and Rohrer, he celebrates the release of “Currents” with a special concert at Amsterdam’s Bimhuis club. For further dates consult our tour pages and Brederode’s web site