Dino Saluzzi can still surprise us. Who knew that the master of the bandoneon had, for decades, been stockpiling compositions for other instruments? This album of pieces for piano features music written between 1960 and 2002, variously conceived in Salta, Buenos Aires, Stuttgart and on the road. It is music of great diversity, both distinct from and connected to Dino’s work as storytelling, improvising bandoneonist. In this more formal context, liner note writer Hans-Klaus Jungheinrich suggests, Saluzzi’s musical pictures take on an almost cubist quality, like a sequence of images viewed from multiple perspectives. Horacio Lavandera, a young Argentine pianist specialized in both classical music and contemporary composition (he has worked with both Boulez and Stockhausen), is an ideal Saluzzi interpreter, attuned both to his love of his homeland and his artistic need to travel widely. Imágenes was recorded with the participation of the composer in October 2013 in Oslo, and produced by Manfred Eicher.
Dino Saluzzi: Imágenes - Music for Piano
Horacio Lavandera
Dino Saluzzi ist noch immer für Überraschungen gut. Wem war schon bekannt, dass der Meister des Bandoneon seit Jahrzehnten auch Eigenkompositionen für andere Instrumente hortet? Dieses Album umfasst Klaviermusik mit Stücken, die zwischen 1960 und 2002 geschrieben und in ihrer Konzeption verschiedentlich in Salta, Buenos Aires, Stuttgart oder auch unterwegs entworfen wurden. Es handelt sich hierbei um Musik von großer Vielfalt, die merklich mit Dinos Werk als Geschichten erzählenden, improvisierenden Bandoneonspieler verknüpft ist. Hans-Klaus Jungheinrich bemerkt im Begleittext, dass Saluzzis musikalische Bildsprache in diesem eher formellen Kontext von nahezu kubistischer Qualität ist; so, als ob man eine Reihe von Werken aus verschiedenen Perspektiven betrachtete. Der junge argentinische Pianist Horacio Lavandera, der sowohl in klassischer als auch in zeitgenössischer Komposition spezialisiert ist (er arbeitete bereits mit Boulez und Stockhausen zusammen), stellt in zweifacher Hinsicht den idealen Interpreten für Saluzzis Musik dar: Zum einen ist er – wie Saluzzi - seinem Heimatland Argentinien eng verbunden und zum anderen unterliegt er ebenfalls dem inneren Drang in die Ferne zu reisen. Imágenes wurde unter Mitwirkung des Komponisten im Oktober 2013 in Oslo aufgenommen und von Manfred Eicher produziert.
- 1Imágenes
10:08 - 2Los Recuerdos
07:23 - 3Montañas
09:16 - 4Romance
03:12 - 5La Casa 13
05:45 - 6Claveles
06:19 - 7Moto Perpetuo
01:03 - 8Media Noche
05:50 - 9Vals Para Verenna
03:34 - 10Donde Nací
Imágenes features premiere recordings of Dino Saluzzi’s music for piano. The pieces gathered together here, written between 1960 and 2002, were variously conceived in Salta and Buenos Aires and on the road. Periodically, the great bandoneonist has set aside the instrument which has accompanied him for more than seven decades, to find expression by other means. Over the years, of course, he has written the most diverse music for ensembles of many kinds, including chamber music for his Kultrum collaboration with the Rosamunde Quartett, pieces for duo with classical cellist Anja Lechner, and works for orchestra performed and recorded with the Metropole Orchestra in Amsterdam’s Musiekgebouw. On Imagénes, Horacio Lavandera, a gifted Argentine pianist specialized in both classical music and contemporary composition – he studied with Maurizio Pollini and Charles Rosen, and has collaborated with Pierre Boulez, Karlheinz Stockhausen and Mauricio Kagel – proves to be an ideal Saluzzi interpreter, attuned both to his love of his homeland and his artistic need to travel widely.
Lavandera recorded these pieces, under the supervision of the composer, and with Manfred Eicher as producer, at Oslo’s Rainbow studio in October 2013. The album is issued in time for Dino Saluzzi’s 80th birthday on May 20.
Lavandera recorded these pieces, under the supervision of the composer, and with Manfred Eicher as producer, at Oslo’s Rainbow studio in October 2013. The album is issued in time for Dino Saluzzi’s 80th birthday on May 20.