Carla Bley’s band keeps shrinking. In 1971, she recorded Escalator Over The Hill with a cast of dozens; a decade later, she was leading a 10-piece group; after that, it was a sextet. Now, it’s just a piano-bass duo with the masterful Steve Swallow. The textures may be thinner, but the ideas are as big and outrageous as ever, and the playing is so accurate it’s almost scary.
Carla Bley, Steve Swallow
06:24 - 2Walking Betteriewoman
03:57 - 3Utviklingssang
04:38 - 4Ladies In Mercedes
05:41 - 5Romantic Notions #3
06:58 - 6Remember
05:21 - 7Ups & Downs
06:12 - 8Reactionary Tango - Parts 1/2/3
08:43 - 9Soon I Will Be Done With The Troubles Of This World