Giya Kancheli: Exil

Maacha Deubner, Natalia Pschenitschnikova, Catrin Demenga, Ruth Killius, Rebecca Firth, Christian Sutter, Wladimir Jurowski

Settings of Psalm 23 and poems by Paul Celan and Hans Sahl for Soprano and mixed chamber ensemble.

"From strife-torn Georgia comes a man who may well be the mostimportant Soviet composer since Shostakovich: Giya Kancheli, whose olorousyetspiritually radiant music gives eloquent voice to the ongoing tragedy ofhis native Georgia. Says Kancheli, a devout Orthodox Christian, ‘When a person goes into achurch, synagogue or mosque where there’s not service going on, there’s aspecial kind of silence. I want to turn that silence into music.’ InKancheli’s hands the sounds of silence are hauntingly eloquent." –Michael Walsh, Time Magazine

Featured Artists Recorded

May 1994, Propstei St. Gerold

Original Release Date


  • Exil
  • 1Psalm 23
    (Giya Kancheli, Traditional)
  • 2Einmal
    (Giya Kancheli, Paul Celan)
  • 3Zähle Die Mandeln
    (Giya Kancheli, Paul Celan)
  • 4Psalm
    (Giya Kancheli, Paul Celan)
  • 5Exil
    (Giya Kancheli, Hans Sahl)