Mauch has a clear but beautifully rounded timbre, and excels at creating an intimate atmosphere. I particularly like her unobtrusive but telling crescendos on single notes. It’s hard to say where she’s most at home, for there’s at least one song in each language that captures the idiom perfectly. … Nigel North is in tune with Mauch’s moods, and though he seldom draws attention to himself, his solo turns are most stylish and pick out contrapuntal lines with little apparent effort. The recorded sound matches the interpretations for warmth, space and detail. This will certainly be on my personal short list for pick of the year.
Fabrice Fitch, Gramophone
The songs are presented in a carefully rearranged sequence which juggles the English, French, Spanish and Italian songs that Robert and John Dowland gathered in groups by nationality, interspersed with several carefully chosen lute solos… Monika Mauch is a superb, understated interpreter of these songs, and less is definitely more here. Her unaccented pronunciation of all of the four languages is perfect, and every word of text is perfectly delivered. … This is an essential library record for anyone interested in the lute song, beautifully sung (and beautifully played by Nigel North), and a jolly good listen as a programme, of course.
David Hill, Early Music Review
Monika Mauch has a voice of pure honey – nectar and consummate refinement, an epicurean marvel – while Nigel North serves up lute playing of matchless delectability, musical ambrosia of rare perfection. Here is music-making on which one could gorge all day and yet never feel sated. Banquets, musical or otherwise, couldn’t be more sumptuous. … Dowland suggests that his ‘careful Confectionary’ is of such quality that nobody should ‘feare poysoning’, but, mixed with the delicious artistry of Mauch and North it does become dangerously addictive.
Marc Rochester, International Record Review
Monika Mauchs Sopran bewegt sich mit kristallklarer Schönheit und wunderbarer Natürlichkeit durch diese multilinguale, teils überraschend abgründige Liebes-Lyrik. Lauten-Koryphäe Nigel North begleitet so unprätentiös wie präzise und darf in einigen Solostücken sein ganzes Können zeigen.
Dirk Wieschollek, Fono Forum
24 Madrigale und Lautenstücke aus der Zeit der Renaissance und des Frühbarock erreichen uns auf „Musical Banquet“. Es sind Lieder mit kunstreicher Struktur und mit volkstümlich anmutender Melodik. Sopranistin Monika Mauch haucht den alten Gesängen mit gefühlvollem, nuanciertem und stilistisch variablem Ausdruck, mit dosiert eingesetztem Vibrato und stimmlicher Präsenz neues Leben ein. Die virtuose Lautenbegleitung durch Nigel North schmeichelt dem Ohr dank der klanglichen Trasparenz mit seidenen und perlenden Tönen.
Uwe Rauschelbach, Mannheimer Morgen
Monika Mauch interprète ces miniatures succulentes avec grâce et raffinement, ciselant avec une égale precision les agreements du gout français et les ornements de la “nouvelle manière” italienne. … L’excellent Nigel North offre un accompagnement efficace et intelligent, et se distingue par un jeu d’une impressionnante clarté jusque dans les polyphonies les plus complexes. Il peut surtout briller à son aise dans les suaves pièces pour luth de John Dowland, judicieusement proposées en guise de complément de programme.
Denis Morrier, Diapason