Featured Artists
- Roger JannottaFlute, Oboe, Clarinets, Oboe
- Michael MantlerTrumpets
- Vincent NilssonTrombones
- Bjarne RoupéGuitars
- Per SaloPiano
- Mette WintherViolas
- Helle SørensenCellos
- Michael MantlerTrumpets
- Martin CholewaFrench Horn
- Susi HyldgaardAccordion, Accordion
- Tineke NoordhoekVibraphone, Marimba
- Radio Symphony Orchestra Frankfurt
- Peter RundelConductor
- Jack BruceVocal
- Per JørgensenVocal
- Mona LarsenVocal
- Karen MantlerVocal, Voice
- John GreavesVocal, Piano
- Don PrestonVocal
- Marianne SørensenViolins
- Mette BrandtViolin
- Kim KristensenPiano, Synthesizer
- Don PrestonVocal
- Bjarne RoupeGuitar
- Gunnar LychouViola
- The Danish Radio Big BandOrchestra
- Ole Kock HansenConductor
- Rick FennGuitar
- Karen MantlerVocal, Voice
- Dave AdamsVibraphone, Chimes
- Alexander BalanescuViolin
- Clare ConnorsViolin
- Bill HawkesViola
- Jane FentonCello
- Michael MantlerTrumpets
- Rick FennGuitar
- The Danish Concert Radio OrchestraOrchestra
- Marianne FaithfullVoice
- Peder KragerupConductor
- John GreavesVocal, Piano
- Nick MasonDrums
- Carla BleyPiano, Synthesizer, Tenor Saxophone, Organ
- Mike SternGuitar
- Nick MasonDrums
- Strings of the London Symphony OrchestraOrchestra
- Michael GibbsConductor
- Larry CoryellGuitar
- Philip CatherineGuitar
- Gary WindoTenor Saxophone
- Steve SwallowBass
- Tony WilliamsDrums
- Robert WyattVoice, Percussion
- Kevin CoyneVoice
- Chris SpeddingGuitar
- Ron McClureBass
- Clare MaherCello
- Jack DeJohnetteDrums, Percussion
- Terje RypdalGuitar
- Orchestra I
- Orchestra II
- Don CherryTrumpet
- Pharoah SandersTenor Saxophone
- Jazz Composer's Orchestra
- Susi HyldgaardAccordion, Accordion
- Marianne SørensenViolins
- Mette WintherViolas
- Helle SørensenCellos
Original Release Date07.11.2006