Third Reel

Nicolas Masson, Roberto Pianca, Emanuele Maniscalco


A collaborative group brimming with creative potential, Third Reel packs much musical information into the sixteen vividly expressive tracks of its debut album. Trio members Nicolas Masson, Roberto Pianca and Emanuele Maniscalco are committed improvisers and gifted writers, each with a distinct compositional signature. The contrasts, and a shared sensitivity for space, shape the group’s sonic identity. Each member of this Swiss-Italian trio is a bandleader is his own right but the cooperative Third Reel is a priority for all of them. Conceived as a trio without bass from the outset – “it means more responsibility for each player, as well as more risk-taking” – Third Reel went through various drummers until Pianca brought along Emanuele Maniscalco in 2010 (drummer and guitarist had previously collaborated in the band Food Chain). Third Reel celebrates the release of its album with concerts in Brescia (March 20), Geneva (March 21), Lugano (March 22) and Biasca (March 23). An extended European tour is in preparation for October and November.

Als Musikerkollektiv, das vor kreativem Potential  strotzt, packt Third Reel reichlich musikalische Information in die sechzehn lebhaft-expressiven Tracks seines Debütalbums. Nicolas Masson, Roberto Pianca und Emanuele Maniscalco, sind alle engagierte Improvisatoren und gleichzeitig begabte Komponisten, jeder mit einer klar erkennbaren Handschrift. die daraus resultierenden Kontraste und das allen gemeinsame feine Gespür für den musikalischen Raum geben der Gruppe ihre klangliche Identität. Alle Mitglieder des Schweizerisch-Italienischen Trios unterhalten auch noch eigene Bands, aber Third Reel stellt für jeden die Priorität dar. Von beginn an als Trio ohne Bass angelegt – „das bedeutet für jeden Mitspieler mehr Verantwortung, aber erfordert auch mehr Risikobereitschaft“ – erprobte Third Reel zunächst verschiedene Schlagzeuger bis Pianca 2010 schließlich Emanuele Maniscalco (mit der er zuvor in der Band Food Chain zusammengearbeitet hatte) in die Gruppe brachte. Eine ausgedehnte Europatournee ist für Oktober und November in Planung.
Featured Artists Recorded

February 2012, Auditorio RSI - Radio Svizzera, Lugano

Original Release Date


  • 1After All
    (Roberto Pianca)
  • 2Furious Seasons
    (Emanuele Maniscalco)
  • 3Orbits
    (Nicolas Masson)
  • 4Improvisation 2
    (Emanuele Maniscalco, Nicolas Masson, Roberto Pianca)
  • 5Bley
    (Emanuele Maniscalco)
  • 6Neuer Mond Prologue
    (Emanuele Maniscalco)
  • 7Improvisation 5
    (Emanuele Maniscalco)
  • 8Miserere
    (Nicolas Masson)
  • 9Freeze
    (Emanuele Maniscalco)
  • 10Fasten
    (Emanuele Maniscalco)
  • 11Ginkgo
    (Nicolas Masson)
  • 12Sparrow
    (Nicolas Masson)
  • 13Spectrum
    (Roberto Pianca)
  • 14Eleventh Winter Tale
    (Emanuele Maniscalco)
  • 15Improvisation 4
    (Emanuele Maniscalco, Nicolas Masson)
  • 16Neuer Mond
    (Emanuele Maniscalco)
A collaborative group brimming with creative potential, Third Reel packs much musical information into the sixteen vividly expressive tracks of its debut album. Trio members Nicolas Masson, Roberto Pianca and Emanuele Maniscalco are committed improvisers and gifted writers, each with a distinct compositional signature. The contrasts, and a shared sensitivity for space, shape the group’s sonic identity.

“Often we’re playing around the beautiful melodies that Emanuele brings along”, says Masson, characterizing their diverse methods. “Roberto’s pieces are frequently concerned with the exploration of chordal colours, and my own writing tends to be contrapuntal.” Third Reel’s album was recorded at Auditorio Radiotelevisione svizzera, Lugano, last February, at the instigation of Paolo Keller, and mixed and edited with Manfred Eicher. “The very pure sound in the recording room in Lugano definitely contributed to the way the album evolved. It was almost like having a fourth member of the band. That level of clarity encouraged us to aim for, as far as possible, a ‘perfect’ version of each tune, with no unnecessary embellishment.”

Each member of this Swiss-Italian trio is a bandleader is his own right but the cooperative Third Reel is a priority for all of them. A thoroughly modern proposal, the group was casually hatched via social networking: Masson calls its coming together “the first and only good thing that came out of having a MySpace account.” Roberto Pianca ‘befriended’ him after visiting his page and in turn, Masson checked out Pianca’s homepage, recognised a kindred spirit from music samples posted there and left a message on his bulletin board. Soon Pianca was travelling from Lugano to Geneva to jam. Conceived as a trio without bass from the outset – “it means more responsibility for each player, as well as more risk-taking” – Third Reel went through various drummers until Pianca brought along Emanuele Maniscalco in 2010 (drummer and guitarist had previously collaborated in the band Food Chain). Masson: “We had a fantastic concert with very little preparation, freely improvising together, and we knew at once that he was the right player for the band.”