This often dramatic live show joins complex tapestries of dark bass-clarinet lines and slow-thrashing free jazz to churning funk and rock grooves. … Crime Scene is a good match of orchestral ambition and guitar-rock directness.
John Fordham, The Guardian
The individual elements of the unbroken suite – the freely improvised passages, the strong jazz-rock flavours, Rypdal’s Hendrix-like guitar, Mikkelborg’s superb, Milesian trumpet, the Coltrane-influenced tenors of the BBB’s Ole Jakob Hystad and Zoltan Vincze, the collages of film-noir soundbites – are not in themselves innovative, but Rypdal’s appreciation of how to use them together is compelling and imaginative. What he has written is indivisible from the way it is performed; it’s a living pice that must surely alter in each performance – the essence of jazz.
Ray Comiskey, The Irish Times
Norwegian guitarist Rypdal augments his quartet to superb effect with the Bergen Big Band on this epic live set… The spirit of Pharoah Sanders and John Coltrane are both in evidence with drummer Paolo Vinaccia’s classic film dialogue samples interspersed throughout the stunning twelve track suite-like set resulting in a highly charged, yet wonderfully atmospheric mix that combines jazz and rock in equal measure.
Brent Keefe, Drummer
Mit Crime Scene hat Rypdal sein Meisterwerk geschaffen. Die CD präsentiert einen geläuterten Musiker, der nicht nur eine neue Mitte gefunden hat, sondern Kräfte entfesselt, die er selbst nicht für möglich gehalten hätte. Und seine Hörer schon gar nicht. Egal, in welche stilistische Schublade man die Platte packen will, Rypdal entpuppt sich als Genie der Tondichtung.
Wolf Kampmann, Jazzthetik